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Paidankannattimet & hihastimet

Shoulder straps & cuffs



Blue Sleeves⎪ ExcaliburBlue Sleeves⎪ Excalibur
Blue Sleeves⎪ Excalibur Discount price€29,90
Brown cuffs⎪ ExcaliburBrown cuffs⎪ Excalibur
Brown cuffs⎪ Excalibur Discount price€29,90
Black arm guards⎪ExcaliburBlack arm guards⎪Excalibur
Black arm guards⎪Excalibur Discount price€29,90
Burgundian Haste⎪ ExcaliburBurgundian Haste⎪ Excalibur
Burgundian Haste⎪ Excalibur Discount price€29,90
Shirt Holders ⎪ Beige ⎪ NV HolderShirt Holders ⎪ Beige ⎪ NV Holder
Shirt Holders ⎪ Black ⎪ NV HolderShirt Holders ⎪ Black ⎪ NV Holder
Cuff Up sleeve rollers black ⎪No SugarCuff Up sleeve rollers black ⎪No Sugar
Cuff Up white sleeve rollers ⎪No SugarCuff Up white sleeve rollers ⎪No Sugar
Paidankannattimet & hihastimet

Shoulder straps & cuffs

A shirt stay keeps a dress shirt down to prevent it from bunching up. Many men encounter the problem of their dress shirt not staying neatly tucked into their pants, causing it to rise and bunch up. With shirt stays, you can keep your shirt neatly in place inside your pants. Shirt stays work with both dress shirts and other types of shirts that you want to keep tucked in. Thanks to adjustable clips, shirt stays work with various kinds of shirts. 

A dress shirt may have sleeves that are too long, which can be bothersome and stick out awkwardly from under a blazer. Sleeve garters help to lift the sleeve up just enough so that the shirt sleeve is the perfect length. They are a great aid for long sleeves and look very stylish.